D. Richard Tucker, Seattle-Based Playwright, Original Plays and Scripts

Full Length Plays


Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea

PTSD in 1855

1 F, 4 or 5 M


Two Angels

Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea

 Why does one become a suicide bomber? 

3 F, 3 M


The Last Noel

Law of the Sea

The Last Noel

Noir style Christmas farce

Lots of F and M


Anchor Baby

I Cannot Say REVOCO

I Cannot Say REVOCO

Taking the idea of immigration to the ridiculous extreme

4 F and 3 M (at least - lots of doubling)


I Cannot Say REVOCO

I Cannot Say REVOCO

I Cannot Say REVOCO

Martin Luther fights the establishment while seeking the love of his father 

2F, Lots of M


Undiscovered Places

I Cannot Say REVOCO

Undiscovered Places

 Is parenthood a requirement for adulthood? 

3F, 2M


If Spiders Made Honey

If Spiders Made Honey

If Spiders Made Honey

Does art have an intrinsic value, or is it dependent on the identity of the artist?

4 or 6 F, 4 or 5 M


Othello Undercover

If Spiders Made Honey

If Spiders Made Honey

 Classic farce in a modern setting 

2F, 3M


THUGS: A Mafia Farce

If Spiders Made Honey

THUGS: A Mafia Farce

A non-violent Homage to "A Servant of Two Masters" set outside of Chicago in 1929

3 F, 7 M